Life on the Farm

Life on the Farm

Friday, November 17, 2017

Oh my! Oh my! Oh my!  Where did you find this city girl who's been caring for us while you're gone?  She can't even count us straight!  And Mrs Orange Hen is feeling pretty broody and  has been sitting on her eggs for two days now because the old lady is a bit afraid and can't get down on her knees. That old hen was so scarey that last night even Jordie didn't want to fight her for her eggs!  But, don't worry. JD said she'll get them right after school today, when the hen goes outside.  

The Guinies seem to want to hang with us all the time now. That makes our henhouse a little crowded, but we stay warmer with everybody together!  Don't you be worrying about us. We just cluck and peck in the grass and no one messes with us.  And don't worry. The old lady had Jordan count us last night and we're all here.  Hurry home. We miss you.....and we heard the old lady mumble something about the "scratch getting kind of low."  

Your faithful Chickens and a few Guinies.

She Can't Remember Our Names!

Laura please hurry home. Gramma has been feeding real good, and she talks to us, but she just isn't you. Alex misses to too.  Yesterday we were bad boys.  We climbed all the way up the gate to our house and make our break for freedom!  LOL. The first time gramma just thought maybe the gate wasn't shut tight, but the second time she scolded us cuz she knew what we'd done.  But, Laura, please, we just want to be free. We want to run like the gates been left open!

Hurry home, Laura. We miss you.  Gramma can't even remember our names!

Oreo and  What's His Name.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Where'd You Find This City Girl?

Oh my! Oh my! Oh my!  Where did you find this city girl who's been caring for us while you're gone?  She can't even count us straight!  And Mrs Orange Hen is feeling pretty broody and  has been sitting on her eggs for two days now because the old lady is a bit afraid and can't get down on her knees. That old hen was so scarey that last night even Jordie didn't want to fight her for her eggs!  But, don't worry. JD said she'll get them right after school today, when the hen goes outside.  

The Guinies seem to want to hang with us all the time now. That makes our henhouse a little crowded, but we stay warmer with everybody together!  Don't you be worrying about us. We just cluck and peck in the grass and no one messes with us.  And don't worry. The old lady had Jordan count us last night and we're all here.  Hurry home. We miss you.....and we heard the old lady mumble something about the "scratch getting kind of low."  

Your faithful Chickens and a few Guinies.

The Bunnies are A-OK

Hi Laura!
Bunnies here. Everything is cool. The old gal gives us our food on time and she keeps those water bottles full. No complaints from us except, the next time will you please tell her she can give us a carrot every couple of days. This rabbit food is getting old!
Hurry home!  The old lady doesn't talk as much as you do and she keeps messing up our names. She does have one good idea though. She says you should put a piece of wood in each gage so we don't have to stand on the cold metal.  Good idea!

We love you,
The Bunnies

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Don't Bloat the Goat!

I arrived in West Point, NE last evening just as it was starting to get dark. My daughter, Laura,
walked me through "the chores" that I'll be in charge of the next few days while she's away at a teacher's conference.  She even had written out each animal's diet and routine in complete  detail. Two pages of instructions!)  I don't think she trusts me with her animals.  LOL
For my grand daughter, Jordan, Laura simply said. "She doesn't eat much. Send an after school snack with her to have before Basketball practice." Okay.  At least I think Jordan ( JD) will be easy.
So, I'm out there at dark thirty this morning getting all the critters fed. Laura said she was going to check on me and make sure I fed her animals "right."  ( she knows how ditzy her mom can be). Opps!  I quickly confessed:  I mistakenly gave the little goats half goat food and a small scoop of rabbit pellets with it. I realized my faux pas when it came the rabbits turn. Gosh, I hope I don't get fired.
But, "No problem," Laura said,  They'll eat anything, but just don't do it every day. They might bloat."   Dang! Visions of that first scene from the movie, Far From the Maddening Crowd came to mind. You know, where the guy is punching holes in the sides of sheep to left the air out because they got bloated?  Now I have to worry about bloated goats all day! I just checked them though. They seem fine.
And, tomorrow is another day.
Just A Small Town Girl on a Farm  ( JSTGF)

Oh my! Oh my! Oh my!  Where did you find this city girl who's been caring for us while you're gone?  She can't even count u...